10 September 2006

Prayers written for Scout Camp

Heavenly Father
We thank you for bringing us here to this Group Camp.
We thank you for the opportunity to worship you now.
We thank you for all the things that we like about camp;
the activities we have enjoyed, the people we like being with.
Also, we hold up before you the things which we have found difficult, the things we have found challenging and scary.
We pray that you will take all these things and use them to draw us closer to you.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer

Heavenly Father,
We thank for this new day.
We thank you for all the things we can do today, and all the people we can meet.
We pray that this day we might see your love for us in all the things that we do and in all the people that we meet.
Help us to agents of your love for other people in everything we do and say today.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer

Heavenly Father
We know that in your great love you created us in your image and likeness and made us good.
Despite this we know that we sometimes do things which are bad; things which spoil the wonder of your creation in us and in other people.
We are sorry Lord that we do these things.
We thank you that Jesus died to set us free from all evil.
We pray that You will help us to live in harmony with other people and with all your creation, so that we grow to become what you truly made us to be, and so that we can attain the fullness of happiness that you so want us to have.
Lord in your mercy, Hear our prayer

03 September 2006

Prayers for Evensong - 3rd September 2006

Almighty and everlasting God, the only worker of great marvels, send down upon our bishops and other pastors and all congregations committed to their care the spirit of your saving grace.
On this day especially O Lord, we pray for Fr Stuart, giving thanks for his ministry with us here in Solihull, and praying for his future ministry in Handsworth and elsewhere.
We pray that the same ministers and congregations may truly please you, pour upon them the continual dew of your blessing.Grant this, O Lord, for the honour of our advocate and mediator, Jesus Christ. Amen.
[Based on Book of Common Prayer “A Prayer for Clergy and People” at the end of Evening Prayer.]

Almighty God,
We know that the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom,
and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. (Prov 9:10)
Bless, we pray, all students and teachers at this time.
Be close to them as the schools reopen this week.
Grant that their experience of learning may draw them ever closer to Christ
in whom is hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. (Col 2:3)
We make our prayer through that same Jesus Christ our saviour
and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord Jesus, you assured us that the peacemakers are blessed,
that they will be called children of God.
We pray for all those working for peace today,
especially those in the Middle East.
We remember before you O, Lord
the British servicemen who have died in Afghanistan today.
May they be worthy of the great blessings that you have won for them,
and may the Almighty Father receive them as his children.
We pray also for their families and friends; that all who mourn may be comforted.
We pray to the same Almighty Father, in your name and in the power of the Spirit. Amen.
[Based on Matt 5:1-12]

Lord Jesus, you have told us that we are blessed
when we are meek and merciful and pure of heart.
Grant us a true believe in the values of heaven
and help us to grow always into these values
as we work for your kingdom on earth,
In this way, may we be made ready to receive your mercy,
your inheritance, the sight of God
And all those great gifts which you so desire to give us.
In the power of the Spirit we pray in your name to the Father. Amen.
[Based on Matt 5:1-12]

Doing the Word

Thought for Pew Slip – 3rd September 2006
Readings: Deut4:1-2&6-9, Ps15, James1:17-27, Mk7:1-8&14-15&21-23

In our first reading today, from the book of Deuteronomy, God emphasises to the Israelites the importance of keeping all the statues and ordinances of the law of the old covenant. Obeying the law often meant obeying a lot of detailed rules and regulations about daily life; rules about washing yourself and what you could eat.
When Jesus came he established a new covenant and a new commandment to love one another (Jn 13:34, 15:12). In our gospel reading today we hear Jesus scolding the Pharisees for legalistically obeying the human traditions of the law and having forgotten about the true commandments of God, which concern love for God, and love for our neighbour (MT 22:37-40, Mk 12:28-31).
So Jesus has set us free from the legalistic detail of the old law and instead asks us to love God, to love our neighbour and to love one another. But this law of love still requires practical action in our daily lives. In our second reading James reminds us to be “doers of the word, and not merely hearers”. So, let us always live out the law of love in a practical way. Let’s find simple ways to love and serve the people around us.

Fr Gerard