11 October 2009

Being content with the things we have

Thought for Parish Pewslip – 11th October 2009 – Harvest Thanksgiving

Readings: Joel 2: 21-27 1 Timothy 6: 6-10 Mathew 6: 25-33

Our Old Testament reading follows a traumatic “Day of the Lord” in which a huge army of locusts have destroyed all the crops of Israel, leaving the land desolate and bare. The prophet Joel describes a call to repentance and prayer. After that he presents the people with the “vision of plenty” that we read today.
In our reading from 1 Timothy, St Paul emphasises the importance of being content with the things that we have. He notes that the desire to be rich opens people up to all kinds of temptations and problems, and we know that these problems are rampant in the society we live in today.
So what can we do about it? How can we avoid wanting more, when there is such a huge advertising industry always telling us to want more? Well the advice of Jesus comes in our gospel reading: “Strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” If we put God in the first place in our lives, and seek to do his will, and grow in his love, then God will take care of all these other problems.

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